Linking the historical and theological approach in the historiography of the Islamic Revolution; The case of academic writings
Linking the historical and theological approach in the historiography of the Islamic Revolution; The case of academic writings

Hassan Hazrati; Mina Avanj

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 December 2024

  There are many examples in the field of Islamic Revolution studies that the authors have used a theological approach in analyzing human events and phenomena And they have tried to make ...  Read More
Content analysis and critique on the central issues of the newly printed history textbook for the first year of high school in Türkiye.
Content analysis and critique on the central issues of the newly printed history textbook for the first year of high school in Türkiye.

Alireza Soleymanzadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 December 2024

  The high school course begins with the ninth grade, and in this article, the history book of this grade - which has been taught for almost three years - has been selected for review. ...  Read More
The history of mentalities as a theory and method in cultural historiography
The history of mentalities as a theory and method in cultural historiography

Behzad Karimi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 05 January 2025

  The history of mentalities emerged from the historiography of the Annal School and is an important branch of the trend of cultural history, but it was not limited in those frameworks ...  Read More
Feminism and the theory of gender analysis in historiography
Feminism and the theory of gender analysis in historiography

Zohreh Bagherian

Volume 33, Issue 31 , June 2023, , Pages 35-55

  Feminist historiography, which at the beginning was influenced by positivist approaches to the issue of women, went to historical sources, and then with the help of post-structuralist ...  Read More
The Evolution of the Subject and Origin of Arabic to Persian Translations Shiite Texts of the Safavid Period in the Transition from the 10th to the 11th Century
The Evolution of the Subject and Origin of Arabic to Persian Translations Shiite Texts of the Safavid Period in the Transition from the 10th to the 11th Century

Mehdi Bazrgar Khazarbegi; Seyyed Jalal Rajai

Volume 33, Issue 31 , June 2023, , Pages 57-83

  The growth of translation in the Safavid period can be seen alongside the growth of Persian writing. During this period, many Shi'ite texts were translated from Arabic to Persian. Persian ...  Read More
Embassy and the Book of embassy in Iran-Ottoman Empire
(With emphasis on the book of embassy of Enveri Effendi and Mirza Taqi Khan)
Embassy and the Book of embassy in Iran-Ottoman Empire (With emphasis on the book of embassy of Enveri Effendi and Mirza Taqi Khan)

Nasrollah Salehi

Volume 33, Issue 31 , June 2023, , Pages 113-139

  Prior to the establishment of resident ambassadors in capitals, governments selected individuals as envoys and dispatched them to other countries for specific diplomatic missions. These ...  Read More
Reflection of the epic concepts of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh in the portrayal of the power of the Mongols and Iranians in the Changizi's Shahnameh
Reflection of the epic concepts of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh in the portrayal of the power of the Mongols and Iranians in the Changizi's Shahnameh

Mohsen Parvish; Zekrollah Mohammadi

Volume 32, Issue 30 , November 2022, , Pages 59-87

  This article analyzes how the epic concepts of the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi are reflected in the depiction of the power of the Mongols and the Iranians in the Shahnameh of Changizi.The ...  Read More
The place and importance of Monsha'at in historiography; Relying on the Monsha'at and Tarassul of Moinuddin-Mohammed Zamji-Esfazari
The place and importance of Monsha'at in historiography; Relying on the Monsha'at and Tarassul of Moinuddin-Mohammed Zamji-Esfazari

Esmail Hassanzadeh

Volume 32, Issue 30 , November 2022, , Pages 89-115

  Monsha'at as one of the historical documentary sources has valuable content on various aspects of Iranian society. As it goes from the previous centuries to the later centuries, Monsha'at ...  Read More
"Thick Description", the most important scientific responsibility of historians from old to modern period

Hassan Hazrati

Volume 32, Issue 30 , November 2022, , Pages 117-135

  The main claim of the present essay is that the most important scientific responsibility of historians, whether ancient or modern, is to provide a thick description of important events ...  Read More
Components of the Historiography of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Local Historiography of North-western Iran
Components of the Historiography of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Local Historiography of North-western Iran

Mohammad Rezaei

Volume 32, Issue 30 , November 2022, , Pages 137-162

  In the last decade of the twentieth century, the local historiography of the northwestern regions of Iran was confronted with challenges arising from the establishment of the Republic ...  Read More
The history of environmental formal education in Iran: Environment in textbooks of the 1370s/1990s and 1380/2000s
The history of environmental formal education in Iran: Environment in textbooks of the 1370s/1990s and 1380/2000s

Mahdi Rafatipanah Mehrabadi

Volume 32, Issue 30 , November 2022, , Pages 163-196

  This article uses a quantitative content analysis of fifth grade elementary school and third grade of middle school textbooks from the 1370s/1990s and 1380s/2000s in an attemp to show ...  Read More
The relationship between historiography and power in Ismaili discourse
A case study of the Fatimid government
The relationship between historiography and power in Ismaili discourse A case study of the Fatimid government

Ali Babaei Siab

Volume 32, Issue 29 , April 2022, , Pages 33-54

  Ismaili historiography differs fundamentally differ from the prevailing current of traditional historiography in that it emphasises its own theoretical philosophy in some aspects such ...  Read More
Sourceology of Ctesias' Persica: in search of Iranian sources
Sourceology of Ctesias' Persica: in search of Iranian sources

Roozbeh Zarrinkoob; Ali Ramezan Damavandi

Volume 32, Issue 29 , April 2022, , Pages 135-157

     The issue of Iranian sources used by Ctesias has always been disputed in the last two centuries. These sources can be study divided into two groups: written and narrative. ...  Read More
The pathology of Literature review in historical studies
(Case study: master theses in the field of history)
The pathology of Literature review in historical studies (Case study: master theses in the field of history)

Sohayb Mohammadi Nosodi; Mohammad-Taghi Imanpour

Volume 32, Issue 29 , April 2022, , Pages 245-272

  Every research work is based previous researches and works and basically, the purpose of some research works is to supplement and fill the blind spots of previous works. Therefore, ...  Read More
Typology of new Ismaili studies and The necessity of research in their historiography
Typology of new Ismaili studies and The necessity of research in their historiography

Ali Babaei Siab

Volume 31, Issue 28 , December 2021, , Pages 15-37

  New research in the field of Ismaili history and its sources, especially after the first decades of the 20th century has had an upward trend, which continues to this day. This progress ...  Read More
The position of the holy matter in the historiography of Medina and Iraq
The position of the holy matter in the historiography of Medina and Iraq

Yosof Headarnejad

Volume 31, Issue 28 , December 2021, , Pages 81-100

  Sanctity is an important and influential factor in creating a multifaceted character in Muslim historiography. One of the main aspects of sanctity is the connection between myth-history ...  Read More
Historical Sociology of
Historical Sociology of "Sultan's Holiness" and the Concept of "Zell Allah"; Based on historiographical sources of the Ilkhanid period

Nayere Dalir

Volume 31, Issue 28 , December 2021, , Pages 101-119

  The concept of "Zell Allah" (shadow of God) has been associated with the concept of "kingdom" in the history of Iran during the Islamic period, and in a way expressed the foundations ...  Read More
Historiography of the subalterns through the archives of documents Looking at the docu-ments of women's activism in the nationalization of oil
Historiography of the subalterns through the archives of documents Looking at the docu-ments of women's activism in the nationalization of oil

Robabe Motaghedi

Volume 31, Issue 28 , December 2021, , Pages 211-227

  In recent years, in addition to traditional historiography, attention has been drawn to sociological historiography. Today we believe that history was not monopolized and fabricated ...  Read More
Discrepant concepts  of  Iranian historiograph; Criticism of the past way and Presenting a new way
Discrepant concepts of Iranian historiograph; Criticism of the past way and Presenting a new way

Alireza Mollaiy Tavani

Volume 31, Issue 28 , December 2021, , Pages 229-255

  Historiography is one of the youngest branches of historical sciences, concerned with the critical reflection of historical texts, as well as with the thought, discourse, style, method, ...  Read More
Historiography of Mustafa Fateh, Fateh’s approach to the
Role of oil in the development and non‌‌_ development of Iran
Historiography of Mustafa Fateh, Fateh’s approach to the Role of oil in the development and non‌‌_ development of Iran

Zeynab Naseri Liravi; Mohamad Amir Sheikhnoori; Esmaeil Hassanzadeh

Volume 31, Issue 28 , December 2021, , Pages 257-281

  Oil historiography emerged from the events of the 1320s and the increasing role of oil in the transformation of society and the spread of oil colonialism. Mostafa Fateh, a high-ranking ...  Read More