Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PHD Candidate in Iranology, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Assistant Professor, Iranian center for Archaeological Research (Icar)- Research Institut of Iranian Cultural Heritage, and Tourism


Qajar period especially Naseri's time coincided with many changes in the cultural, social, and political themes in the society that effected all aspects of the Iranian's life. One of the impressions was in archaeology contracts that enlightened the past of Iran with the new findings and materials in historical sites. Of course before archaeological excavation; Iranian people had their own attitudes towards their cultural heritage. Archaeological excavations were not their first encounter with the ancient ruins. They interpreted ancient remains with the myths and legends that passed through centuries. They learnt them through oral tradition or from Shahnameh. Another attitude was respecting them because of holy believes. Unfortunately after appearance of antique dealings around the world, local habitants sometimes traded historical materials. People's attitude to historical artifacts influences their behavior to their culture. This study examined this issue that Iranians' attitude to their Cultural Heritage made effect on their national identity.


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    1. پرونده 27234/297 آرشیو اسناد ملی