Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associated Professor , Department of History, Tabriz University

2 PHD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Tabriz University


Communion aspect of Islamic societies in confronting with west was the serious weakness and lay feeling that created many intellectual challenges in several fields such as women field, so that they emphasized on the most of the intellectual movements especially critical newspapers to necessity of women position changing and their awareness and requesting progressivist reformation in society and women social position. In this situation, modernism newspaper, Mollanasradin was leader in discuss and fallowing of liberty issue and decency from women rights in Islamic societies especially in Iran. This newspaper evaluated the developing of Islamic societies in relationship with change of position and place of women. The authors of this leader critical newspaper considered the output way from traditional situation in training issue and awareness and women rights providing in depending on consideration to women rights and its clarification in constitution of Islamic societies and the necessity of changing traditional point of view and changing its principles and especially new reading of religious texts. An analysis of the contents of the articles in this magazine, Tiflis publication at first five years (1324-1328), is an appropriate method to shed lights on the early 20 century Iranian women situation and the first critical discussions about women's rights.


ـ ملانصرالدین(1324). س 1، ش 19.
ـ  ــــــــ (1324). س 1. ش 23.
ـ  ــــــــ (1324). س 1. ش 28.
ـ  ــــــــ 1324). س1. ش 29.
 ـ  ــــــــ (1324). س1. ش32.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 3 .
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 6.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 10.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 17.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 18.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 19.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 24.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 25.
ـ  ــــــــ 1325). س2. ش 27.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 30.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1325). س 2. ش 33.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1325.). س 2. ش 35.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325). س 2. ش 37.
ـ  ــــــــ (1325. س 2. شماره 45 .
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1325). س 3. ش 3.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1326). س 3. ش 4.
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س 3. ش 5.
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س 3. ش 8.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1326). س3. ش 9.
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س3. ش 10.
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س 3. ش 14.
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س 3. ش 16.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1326).. س 3. ش17.
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س 3. ش 20.
ـ  ــــــــ 1326). س 3. ش 30 .
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س 3. ش 36.
ـ  ــــــــ (1326). س 3. ش 52.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 6.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1327). س 4. ش 13.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 15.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س4. ش 18.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1327). س 4. ش 28.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 30 .
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 31.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س4. ش 40.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 42.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 43.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 45.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س4. ش 44.
ـ  ــــــــ (1327). س 4. ش 48.
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س5، ش3 .
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س 5. ش 4.
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س5. ش 12.
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س 5. ش 19.
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س 5. ش 20.
 ـ  ــــــــ ( 1328). س 5. ش 21.
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س 5. ش 27.
ـ  ــــــــ ( 1328). س 5. ش 28.
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س 5. ش 31.
ـ  ــــــــ (1328). س5. ش37 .
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