Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student in Islamic History, University of Isfahan, Isfahan. Iran

2 Professor in History, University of Isfahan, Isfahan. Iran

3 Professor, Department of History, University of Isfahan,, Isfahan. Iran

4 Associate Professor of history department, TMU. Tehran.Iran


In the new centuries, human beings' intellectual progress and the insightful and methodical developments of various sciences also made the thinkers in history redefine this knowledge's identity and science. These developments began in the West. After many challenges and the creation of new historiography schools, it led to establishing the science of history's prestige and position among other sciences. Iranian historians did not shy away from these developments. So, Iranian historians sought to transfer new ideas by putting contemporary Iranian historiography in the transition from a traditional to a modern mode. One of these historians in academic circles is ʿAbbās Zaryāb Khoii, among whose historical works see scientific historiography signs. The present study mainly aims to critique Zaryāb Khoii's methodological historiography and explain his historiography's components by providing clear and precise examples. It seems that this historian has taken reasonable steps in applying the principles of scientific historiography in his works and, with a combination of scientific, intellectual, and critical approaches, seeks to provide a new explanation of some historical narratives and traditional views. Among Zaryāb Khoii's historiography components are the rigorous modification of narratives, the critique of Orientalists' essential history, the neutrality of historical analysis as much as possible, using other sciences' achievements, and the attempt to present a multifaceted picture of historical phenomena. Of course, in some cases, he still has not gone beyond the scope of traditional descriptive historiography. Hence, perhaps, he can be described as a neoclassical historian.


List of sources with English handwriting
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