Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD in History of Islamic Iran, Department of History, University of Isfahan. Isfahan. Iran

2 Professor, Department of History, University of Isfahan, Isfahan.Iran

3 PhD in History of Islamic Iran, Department of History, University of Isfahan. Isfahan.Iran


The scripts' final word is generally known as the ending, the completion, the ‎signature, and the word "Anjameh." This section's significance is because it provides a brief overview of the author, version features, time, location, and political and social conditions of Writing. "Jong" (codex) is also referred to as a manuscript or a set of documents containing a selection of historical, literary, religious, and scientific documents and texts.
With this explanation, the present paper's main issue is to examine the importance of colophon in recognizing "Jong-e Ahmad Gholam's" historical values from the late Safavid era and the time of the Afghan uprising. This research suggests that study the content and form of the colophons of this manuscript is the first step of correct recognition of the author's identity, spatial and temporal identity, historical context, and comparative and critical examination. The method used in this research is the formal and content analysis with phenomenological approach extracted and discovered data from the manuscript mentioned above along with documentary and library sources.


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