Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Institute for Research and Development in the Humanities (SAMT).


Narratology enables historians to study and critique different historical narratives and understand them. This knowledge helps researchers understand narratives by examining elements such as Time (in the form of order, duration, and frequency), Character and Characterization, Angle of vision and Focalization, Semantic levels, and so on. This article uses narrative critique to show the difference between Saqīfe Narrative in terms of time duration and frequency in History of Tabarī and History of Bal'amī. It shows that Tabarī, using repetitive frequency and presenting six narratives of Saqīfe, provides the possibility of representing Abūbakr and 'Umar as the center of the narrative, and while doing this, ignores some of the voices in Saqīfe. Quite contrary, by expanding the duration of the Saqīfe narrative, the history of Bal'amī allows more characters to include. In this way, on the one hand, it adds more voices in the narrative, and on the other hand, it challenges Tabarī narrative. Therefore Bal'amī can introduce the voices of Ali and Abbᾱs᾿ advocates in the Saqīfe Narrative. In this way, Bal'amī and Tabarī can be considered independent narratives about Saqīfe. That shows historians as actors of history.


List of sources with English handwriting
-       Bal‘amī, Abū ‘Alī (1378 Š.), Tārīnāma abarī, edited by Moḥammad Rošan, Tehran: Sorūš.[In Persian]
-       Ḥorrī, Abulfażl (1392 Š.), Ĵostārhāīī dar Bāb-e Naarīīa-e Revāyat va Revāyatšināsī, Tehran: ḵāna Kitāb. [In Persian]
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-       Saĵĵādī, Ṣādiq; Hādī ‘Ālemzādeh (1382 Š.), Tārīnigārī dar Eslām, Tehran: SAMT. [In Persian]
-       Šayḵ Mofīd, Moḥammad b. Moḥammad b. No‘mān (1364 Š.), Al-Amālī, translated by Ḥosayn Ostād Valī, Mashhad: Āstān-e Qods Rażavī. [In Persian]
-       Ṭabarī, Abū Ĵafar Moḥammad b. Ĵarīr (n. d.), Tārī-e al- abarī: Tārī al-Omam va al- Molūk, Vol. 3, Beirut: Dār Sevīdān.
-       Yaqūbī, Ebm Vāżiḥ Aḥmad b. Edḥāq (1382 Š.), Tārī-e Yaqūbī, translated by Moḥammad Ebrāhīm Āyatī, Tehran: ‘Elmī va Farhangī. [In Persian]
English and French Sources
-       Madelung, Wilfred (2008), The Succesion to Muhammad, Cambridge University Press.
-       Genette, Gerard (1983), Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, Cornell University Press.
-       Jouve, Vincent (2015), Poétique du roman, ARMAND COLIN.
-       Toolan, Michael (2012), A Critical Liguistic Introduction, Routledge.