Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in the history of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran


Local histories are one of the most basic forms of Iranian-Islamic historiography that, along with various types of history, help understand the past developments. Among such works is the honorary letter written by Amir Sharaf-Khan Badlisi, dealing with the issue of Kurdistan as the first work of his kind. While Sharaf-Khan deals with Kurds and Kurdistan's problem, most of the region has fallen out of the control of the Iranian governments and has been handed over to the Ottomans. Therefore, the analysis of Sharafkhan's main problem in his Kurdish studies is especially important for the great chapter. In this article, in order to explain his insight and method of historiography in considering the issue of the Kurds and Kurdistan, first a brief about the Ottoman and Safavid policies as a balancing element of the region, then the characteristics of Sharf-Khan's historiography, and finally his method in writing history. This research examines the dimensions and components of Sharaf-khan's historiographical and historiographical thought using historical analysis and the descriptive-analytical method. The results show that Sharafkhan's intellectual system has characteristics such as elitism, sharia-oriented, critical, and at the same time, a praiseworthy approach to the Kurds. Highlighting the Kurds and Kurdistan's role and position, particularly the ruling Kurdish families, in Iran-Ottoman relations, emphasizing the territorial position of Kurdistan, and expressing the characteristics of the Kurdish community are other components of Sharafkhan's historiography.


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