Document Type : Scientific-Research


Profssor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The complexity of the social and political situation in Iran after the constitutional era led to the emergence of local governments and the weakness of the central government. With the famine of the last years of the last century, riots and insecurities intensified. One of these events that took place in the ruling region of Thalas (Golpayegan, Khansar and Khomein) was the revolt of Agha Mirza Mohammad Mehdi (Seqat-alEslam Shahidi). His disobedience has created insecurity in the region for years. He was eventually defeated by government forces and executed along with a number of his comrades.
This research uses surviving documents, references to books and articles written in the field of local history, references to documents in the National Archives and Library of Iran, references to documents in the library and document center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, as well as interviews with local characters. An attempt has been made to find out the background of the Shahidi family through library and field methods and the reasons for his disobedience to the government of Tehran; Also find out the reasons for his execution.
The results of this study show that - contrary to the narrations narrated by Azam al-Wazarah - the local wars had nothing to do with political issues and revolutionary events. These incidents were just a personal dispute between the clergy over the endowed lands and material interests.


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