Document Type : Scientific-Research


Professor, Department of History, Institute for humanities and cultural studies, Tehran, Iran


Abdolhadi Haeri is one of the famous figures of contemporary Iranian historians, whose power and Thought heritage has impressed a direct and Stable impact on Iranian historical knowledge. Haeri is a Style owner not only in the field of historiography but also in the field of memoirs and theorizing. Haeri's pioneering innovations and actions require in-depth research about him. The important point is that his scientific activity took place in a specific context and time when the emotional, Unrest, politicized, and ideological atmosphere dominated over rationality and historical thinking. This article tries to open a new perspective towards some dimensions of Abdolhadi Haeri's thoughts and actions by taking a critical look at the book "Life, Works and Historical Thoughts of Dr. Abdul Hadi Haeri" by Hojjat Fallah Tutkar.  Focusing on the political context and Background in which Haeri grow up and presented his methodological and epistemological ideas, the article concludes that without knowing the characteristics and requirements of this context, especially rival discourses, it is not possible to have deep knowledge about Haeri's Achievements.


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