Document Type : Scientific-Research


Ph.D in History of Islamic Iran, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Ein Al-Saltanah can be one of the most important memoirists of the Qajar era, was one of the Mohammad Shah Qajar descendants. He began writing memories at the age of eleven and kept writing until a month before his death. A precise description of details for a long period of 65 years, from 1299 AH to 1364 AH, has made him a person who has the longest memories of the Qajar era and introduced his work as a valuable encyclopedia of Iran history, from the Qajar period to the beginning of the second Pahlavi dynasty.
This study, based on a descriptive-interpretive approach, intends to analyze the narrative structure of Ein Al-Saltanah’s diary, relying on features of the narrative nature of the memories, while considering the characteristics of the Qajar era memories. 
While using the concepts of Narratology and considering the question of what are the characteristics of the narrative structure of Ein Al-Saltanah’s diary, analyze his memories in terms of narrative structure and the constituent elements of the narrative from the narrative plot, character and characterization, conversation, tone, perspective, scene, and staging. First-person perspective, linear narrative, particularization, and a simple narrative writing style, are the features of the narrative structure of named memories, which can mention as parts of the study data.


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