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Harshit, P. D. 2015. Histories of Design, 10th European Academy of Design Conference - Crafting the Future
Hellekson, K. 2001. The Alternate History: Refiguring Historical Time, Kent State University Press
Maar, A. 2014. Possible Uses of Counterfactual Thought Experiments in History, Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology, Vol.18 (1): 87-113
Macionis, J. J. 2013. Sociology (15th ed.). Boston, Pearson.
Malcom, D, M. Loschnigg. M. Sokolowska-Paryz. 2014. The Great War Re-Remembered: Allohistory and Allohistorical Fiction, in book, The Great War in Post-Memory Literature and Film, Vol.18:171-186, Boston: DE GRUYTER
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Perez Zagorin, 1999. History, the Referent, and Narrative: Reflections on Postmodernism Now, History and Theory, 38:1-24
Rodwell, G. 2013. Whose history: Engaging history students through historical fiction, University of Adellaide press.
Rosenfeld, G. 2002. Why Do We Ask "What If?" Reflections on the Function of Alternate History, History and Theory, 41(4):90-103
Schenkel, G. 2012. Alternate history - alternate memory: counterfactual literature in the context of German normalization, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of graduate studies, The University of British Colombia, Vancouver
Schmid, G. 2009. Counterfactuals and futures histories: retrospective imagining as an auxiliary for the scenarios of expectance, Historical Research,34(2):74-87
Schneider-Mayerson, M. 2009. What Almost Was: The Politics of the Contemporary Alternative History Novel, American Studies, 50(3/4):63-83
Šimon, D. 2016. Alternate history novels - comparison of Harris's Fatherland and Dick's The Man in a High Castle, A Bachelor Thesis of Faculty of Education Charles University, Prague
Winthrop-Young, G. 2009. Fallacies and Thresholds, Historical Research, 34(2):99-117
Wislicz, T. 2015. Almost-Histories, or Why some Tales of the Past Do Not Become Histories, published in book Cryptohistories, edited by Alicia Bemben, Rafal Boryslawski, Justyna Jajsczzok and Jacob Gajda, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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English Source
Becker, H.S, Casper, J. 1956. The development of identification with an occupation. American Journal of Sociology, 61, 289-98.
Bemben, R. B, J. Jajsczzok and J. Gajda. 2015. Cryptohistories, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Bucher, R, Stallings, J. 1977. Becoming Professional. London: Sage Publications.
Calsamiglia, H, T. A. Dijk. 2004. Popularization discourse and knowledge about the genome, Discourse and Society, Vol.15(4): 369-389.
Clausen, J. A. 1968. Socialization and Society, Boston, Little Brown and Company
Counterfactual History: A User’s Guide. 2004. American Historical Review. 109:845-858.
Harshit, P. D. 2015. Histories of Design, 10th European Academy of Design Conference - Crafting the Future
Hellekson, K. 2001. The Alternate History: Refiguring Historical Time, Kent State University Press
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Maar, A. 2014. Possible Uses of Counterfactual Thought Experiments in History, Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology, Vol.18 (1): 87-113
Macionis, J. J. 2013. Sociology (15th ed.). Boston, Pearson.
Malcom, D, M. Loschnigg. M. Sokolowska-Paryz. 2014. The Great War Re-Remembered: Allohistory and Allohistorical Fiction, in book, The Great War in Post-Memory Literature and Film, Vol.18:171-186, Boston: DE GRUYTER
Marciniak, K. 2015. The Founder, preface, For or Against the Master, illustrated edition by lulu.com, 7-26
McKnight Jr, E. V. 1994. Alternative History: The Development of a Literary Genre, PhD Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
McPherson, J. 2003. Revisionist Historians, Perspectives on History, The Newsmagazine of American Historical Association, 41(6), from www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-onhistory/september-2003/revisionist-historians
Perez Zagorin, 1999. History, the Referent, and Narrative: Reflections on Postmodernism Now, History and Theory, 38:1-24
Rodwell, G. 2013. Whose History: Engaging history students through historical fiction, University of Adellaide press.
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Schneider-Mayerson, M. 2009. What Almost Was: The Politics of the Contemporary Alternative History Novel, American Studies, 50(3/4):63-83
Šimon, D. 2016. Alternate history novels - comparison of Harris's Fatherland and Dick's The Man in a High Castle, A Bachelor Thesis of Faculty of Education Charles University, Prague
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Winthrop-Young, G. 2009. Fallacies and Thresholds, Historical Research, 34(2):99-117
Wislicz, T. 2015. Almost-Histories, or Why some Tales of the Past Do Not Become Histories, Published in book Cryptohistories, edited by Alicia Bemben, Rafal Boryslawski, Justyna Jajsczzok and Jacob Gajda, Cambridge