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Adorno, Theodor (2004) Negative Dialectics, Trans. By E. B. Ashton, London, Routledge;
Benjamin, Walter (1989) The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem 1932-1940, Trans. By Gary Smith and Andre Lefevere, New York, Schocken Books;
Benjamin, Walter (1998) Understanding Brecht, Trans. By Anna Bostock, London, Verso;
Benjamin, Walter (2002) Selected Writings, Vo.1 (1913-1926), Edi. By Marcus Bullock and Michael W. Jennings, Cambridge, Harvard University Press;
Benjamin, Walter (2002) The Arcades Project, Trans. By Howard Eiland and Kevin cLaughlin, Cambridge, Harvard University Press;
Benjamin, Walter (2006) Selected Writings, Vo.4 (1938-1940), Edi. By Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings, Cambridge, Harvard University Press;
Benjamin, Walter (2007) Illuminations: Essays and Reflections, Trans. By Harry Zohn, New York, Schocken Books;
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Collingwood, R, G. (1999) The Principles of History and Other Writings in Philosophy of History, Oxford, Oxford Universirty Press;
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Kittsteiner, H. D. , Monroe, Jonathan and Wohlfarth, Irving (1986) Walter Benjamon ‘s Historicism, New German Critique, No.39, Autumn, PP.179-215;
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Löwy, Michael (2005) Fire Alarm: Reading Walter Benjamin’s On the Concept of History, Trans. By Chris Turner, London, Verso;
Sherratt, Yvonne (2006) continental philosophy of social science: hermeneutics, genealogy and critical theory from ancient Greece to the twenty-first century, Cambridge, Cambridge university press;
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (2010) Can the Subaltern Speak? In: Reflections on the History of an Idea, Edi. By Rosalind Morris, New York, Columbia University Press;
Srinivas, Nidhi (2012) The Possibilities of the Past: Two Routes to a Past and What They Tell us About Professional Power, Management & Organizational History, 7:3, PP.237-249;
Wolin, Richard (1994) Walter Benjamin, an Aesthetic of Redemption, University of California Press;
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English Source
Adorno, Theodor (1980) Letters to Walter Benjamin, in: Aesthetics and Politics, Ernst Bloch and Others, London, Verso;
Adorno, Theodor (2004) Negative Dialectics, Trans. By E. B. Ashton, London, Routledge;
Benjamin, Walter (1989) The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem 1932-1940, Trans. By Gary Smith and Andre Lefevere, New York, Schocken Books;
Benjamin, Walter (1998) Understanding Brecht, Trans. By Anna Bostock, London, Verso;
Benjamin, Walter (2002) Selected Writings, Vo.1 (1913-1926), Edi. By Marcus Bullock and Michael W. Jennings, Cambridge, Harvard University Press;
Benjamin, Walter (2002) The Arcades Project, Trans. By Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin, Cambridge, Harvard University Press;
Benjamin, Walter (2006) Selected Writings, Vo.4 (1938-1940), Edi. By Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings, Cambridge, Harvard University Press;
Benjamin, Walter (2007) Illuminations: Essays and Reflections, Trans. By Harry Zohn, New York, Schocken Books;
Berger, Peter, Berger, Brigitte and Kellner, Hansfried (1974) the homeless mind, aylesbury, hazell Watson &viney Ltd;
Collingwood, R, G. (1999) The Principles of History and Other Writings in Philosophy of History, Oxford, Oxford Universirty Press;
Critchley, Simon (2009) The Book of Dead Philosophers, New York, Vintage Books;
Frings, Manfred S. (1983) Social temporality in George Herbert mead and scheler, philosophy today, vol.27, no.4, winter, pp.281-289;
Kittsteiner, H. D. , Monroe, Jonathan and Wohlfarth, Irving (1986) Walter Benjamon ‘s Historicism, New German Critique, No.39, Autumn, PP.179-215;
Löwith , Karl (1949) Meaning in history, chicago, the university of Chicago press;
Löwy, Michael (2005) Fire Alarm: Reading Walter Benjamin’s On the Concept of History, Trans. By Chris Turner, London, Verso;
Sherratt, Yvonne (2006) continental philosophy of social science: hermeneutics, genealogy and critical theory from ancient Greece to the twenty-first century, Cambridge, Cambridge university press;
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (2010) Can the Subaltern Speak? In: Reflections on the History of an Idea, Edi. By Rosalind Morris, New York, Columbia University Press;
Srinivas, Nidhi (2012) The Possibilities of the Past: Two Routes to a Past and What They Tell us About Professional Power, Management & Organizational History, 7:3, PP.237-249;
Wolin, Richard (1994) Walter Benjamin, an Aesthetic of Redemption, University of California Press.