Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Ph.D. candidate in history of Islamic Iran, Department of History, Kharazmi University, Tehran Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, Kharazmi University, Tehran. Iran

3 Professor, Department of History, Kharazmi University, Tehran.Iran

4 Professor, Department of Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran. Iran


Psychology as a discipline concerned with human behavior can provide history researchers with new perspectives to reread the past. No knowledge is capable of recognizing all aspects of human life by itself.
Two interdisciplinary approaches, namely historical psychology and psychological history, or psychohistory, were developed through the connection of history and psychology. In psychological history, historians endeavor to apply psychological theories and methods to analyze historical phenomena in the same way that psychologists benefit from historical approaches to explain human behavior in historical psychology. The interaction between psychological and biological explanations and the advances in neurosciences, paved the way for presenting a new approach in history, i.e., neurohistory, which introduced the brain as the focus of history narration by foregrounding the evolution theory.
By describing the historical process of the history-psychology association, emphasizing psychological history, and accentuating the application of psychology and its pertained knowledge, i.e., biology, the author attempts to introduce a new attitude toward explaining human behavior and analyzing historical events rarely known in Iran. It is possible to set forth the evolution development in relation to human behavior besides physical structures. Both the human body and psyche have been developed in a single historical process.        


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