Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant professor,Institute of Human Sciences and Cultural studies,Tehran,Iran

2 Professor,Research Institute of Human sciences and cultural studies,Tehran,Iran

3 Phd student of Islamic Iranian history,,Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural studies, Tehran, Iran


Iraq,s failures on the front lines of the war against Iran on the one hand, and the violence of the Iraq's Baathist government, on the other hand, have led that the government of this country to inflict the most violence on a group of war victims, namely, prisoners of war, in order to exercise its power. Iranian prisoners were detained in centers announced, hidden, or used in retaliation by the ruling regime in Iraq. The purposeful execution of this behavior, which can have categorized as political violence, can also be considered a social problem that is a product of the environment and Fable is divided into types of physical, psychological, personal and structural violence. The current research aims to use a descriptive-analytical approach, how the types of violence can be represented in the memoirs of Iranian prisoners of war. The prevalence of physical violence in the form of all types of physical torture, the application of drug restrictions for sick prisoners and the lack of attention to the health of the camps, as well as creating restrictions on performing religious rituals and trying to infect the prisoners with vulgar issues as an objective manifestation of mental torture, is one of the issues that are frequently mentioned in these memories they have been mentioned and can be mentioned as part of the research data, Data that still show the lack of significant differences in the narration of events with all the class, ethnic and social differences of the memoirists, and in a way, the can be mentioned with the same title of narration. 


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