Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student of Comparative and Analytic History of Islamic Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Islamic Art, Islamic Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


The various and sometimes divergent approaches and definitions in the study of Islamic art have made it difficult to study. Traditionalism and historical perspective, the two predominant approaches in the field, view Islamic art in different ways. On tradition and unchanging principles, while the historical perspective focuses on history and its contexts. The traditionalists view Islamic art as the result of grace infused into the artist, embodying the teachings of the perennial philosophy in the works of art, while the historical perspective views, the works of art the product of historical determinism and context. These differences have complicated the study of artworks even in prestigious festivals and the different and contradictory criteria for judging works of Islamic art. Using a descriptive-analytical and discourse- analytical method and a comparative approach, this study attempts to answer the questions: what is the discourse analysis of these two dominant approaches in Islamic art? And why, despite these two dominant discourses, is there no unity in the definition of Islamic art and its main characteristics? And to provide a basis for changing a more comprehensive definition. Research findings include disparities in discourse components, discourse formation, and sub-discourses.


Main Subjects

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Richard and Grabar, Oleg. (2001). Islamic Art and Architecture: 650–1250, Yale University Press.
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Laclau, Ernesto. Moufee, Chantal. (2001). London, New York: Verso.
Pallis, Marco. (2008), The Way and the Mountain, London: World Wisdom.
Reynolds, Andrew. (1999). What is Historicism?, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 13:3, 275-287, DOI: 1080/02698599908573626.
Schuon, Frithjof. (1998). Understanding Islam. Indiana: World Wisdom.
Schuon, Frithjof. (2009). Logic and Transcendence, James S. Cutsinger (ed.), Indiana, Bloomington: World