Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


   The issue of Iranian sources used by Ctesias has always been disputed in the last two centuries. These sources can be study divided into two groups: written and narrative. The question of the possible use of Iranian sources by Ctesias has been analyzed in this paper from four points of view. First, we examined the Iranian sources of Ctesias. Then, the significance of the role of Balkh, Balkhians and Scythians in Ctesias's narrative was discussed. In the third step, we discussed the importance and role of the land of Media. In the fourth step, the three names of Oxyartes, Spitāmas and Damaspia was selected and studied from the personal names with Zoroastrian roots, that reached us through the traditions, handed down from Ctesias - such as Photius and Diodorus. In addition, historical documents were searched for witnesses or historical evidence for these personal names.These names are confirmed by many classical texts, Zoroastrian religious tradition and official documents of the Achaemenid administration. It is also mentioned the relationship between these personal names and the mentioned lands, namely Balkh and Media. Finally, the result of the present research show the existence of Iranian written and narrative sources used by Ctesias and prove that Ctesias was probably right in his claim that he used official documents and relied on oral sources.  


Main Subjects

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