Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Shahid Beheshti University

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In this research, which has been carried out in the framework of Vandyke's critical discourse analysis, the text of middle period Iranian history textbooks written by native and non-native authors in terms of the impact of the authors' ideology on the resources of the Iranian history education system in the current period, quantitatively and qualitatively and comparative, it has been investigated to determine how the ideology of the authors in each text, using the language structure, makes the events or people appear more prominent or smaller in the narration of single historical events. According to VanDyke's definition, ideologies are the fundamental belief systems of a group and its members that deal with their system of ideas and especially with their social, political or religious ideas. The position of the authors' ideology can be seen in the authors' interpretative schemas of the past and the phrases that show it in the historical narrative. . In order to achieve this purpose, the text of native and non-native university textbooks was studied in terms of the existence of ideological strategies in the axes of rhetoric and action in the critical discourse analysis of Van Dyke, and according to the obtained statistics, it became clear that the use of ideological strategies is inevitable in Narration is history, and therefore in the narration of history, the ideology that dominates the author's mind is dominant, and the author conveys his worldview to the reader in the narration of history through various linguistic ways.


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