Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Department of History, Faculty of Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 faculty Member of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The growth of translation in the Safavid period can be seen alongside the growth of Persian writing. During this period, many Shi'ite texts were translated from Arabic to Persian. Persian writing grew relatively after the Mongol invasion along with Iranian identity and following the spread of Imami Shiism. During the Safavid era, Persian writing in "translation" also took its path towards expansion. In addition, Persian writing shows an emphasis on language and national identity. Examining the selection of "translation" texts by translators is a significant point and has useful information in the field of thought and culture. The evolution in translation themes can be understood by the statistical analysis of the translations of these centuries. These subjects are different in the 10th century, which is the period of establishment of the Safavids, and the 11th century, which is the period of their consolidation. The dominant discourse in this era can be seen in the change of the choice of texts by the translators. What factors caused this change? What was the motivation of translation supervisors and translators for choosing texts? The translations have enlightening historical data that show us the political and ideological changes during this era.


Main Subjects