Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Professor,Research Institute of Human sciences and cultural studies,Tehran,Iran

2 Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution

3 Assistance


Gossip in the government and society has always been discussed with multi-faceted goals. Rumor design is diverse from a typological point of view and is used in different types and methods. In the process of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, various rumors have been raised in connection with groups and spectrums influencing the construction of power. The purpose of the current research is to investigate the rumors related to the issue of the number of people killed during the Islamic Revolution and to criticize the existing narratives. The main question is, what are the motives behind the rumors about the number of people killed in the revolution in the discourses of the Pahlavi government and its opponents, and on what methodological bases can they be evaluated and criticized? In this research, which is organized based on the descriptive-analytical method, an attempt is made to use the theory of discourse analysis to provide a deeper analysis of the common rumors of this period. The results of this research show that rumor-mongering was used by the opponents of the Pahlavi regime as a tool for "oppression" and "propaganda against the government" and to the same extent as a tool to cast doubt on the origin of the revolution and its leaders with the aim of weakening and marginalizing the discourse. A revolution was exploited by the Pahlavi regime.


Main Subjects