Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant professor, Department of History, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of History, Abadeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadeh, Iran


One of the characteristics of the Iranian real estate system is the belief in the order and organization of social affairs based on the "Asha" law and the "Khish-kari" system. One This was an effective model for politicians in all periods of Iran's history. But in times like the invasion of "An-irani" tribes, this structure was challenged. In such a situation, the Iranian elites have tried to recreate and teach the lost model to the new rulers. With the invasion of the Mongols in the 7th century, many infrastructures and administrative and political affairs were destroyed. In this research, with a descriptive-analytical method and citing library sources, an attempt is made to answer the question that at this point in time, what was the position of paying attention to the principle of "Khish-kari" in order to restore the orderliness of society's affairs in the thought and works of Juwayni and Sa`di? The findings of the present research show that the main concern of Juwayni and Sa`di at this stage of Iran's history is the disorder and disintegration of the existing structures of society, which is partly a result of the ignorance and inattention of the Mongol rulers and agents to the "Khish-kari" system. Therefore, by creating historical and literary works, while providing advices and instructions as well as introducing successful models of rulership, they have tried to reform the anarchists in a way.


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