Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 MA Student, University of Tabriz

2 Associated Professor , Department of History, University of Tabriz


Khajeh Rashidaddin Fazlollah Hamedani lived at a time that Mongolian and Turkish tribes attacked Iran and inhabited there, and created widespread changes and dissociations in political and social structures and orders of Iran society. He as a most important member of the Ilkhanid's state bureaucracy, who tried to define common historical bases for Mongolian and Turkish tribes and connected them with culture and values of the Iranian society by writing the Jame-altavarikh as a general historiographical work. For this purpose, he began to history- writing with regard to structure of effective groups in state and community and on the bases of religious and mythological narratives and he attempted to consolidate the foundation of the state and centralization of power through association of Mongolian and Turkish tribes according to oral knowledge of them in both axes. Likewise he aimed to define the principles of legitimacy for the Ilkhanids political system in the Islamic society that ruled by them. According to this purposes and also regarding to status of own historiography audiences including the Ilkhanids and leaders and members of the Mongolian and Turkish tribes and effective members of them, Khajeh on the contrary other historians such as Juwaini and Vassaf, writes his historical work based on the oral narratives and with a simplistic language. keywords: historiography, Khajhe Rashidaddin Fazlollah, Mongolians, Turkish.


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