Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Yasuj University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Literature, Yasuj Uninersity


Treaty or Pledge is one of the official epistolary writings of the 10th and 11th centuries which are extant today. With analysis of the epistolary writings and historical texts of the aforementioned centuries, we can divide them in to two major categories: first category was the treaties which were bestowed by caliphs, potentates, and prominent individuals to governors, minions, and lower ranking officials as an assurance of their security. This class of treaties was mostly similar to the letter of immunity and it was issued for the sake of providing an oath of protection for the protégé. The second category of treaties was the deeds which were given by governors, minions, and lower ranking officials to their superiors as an assurance of loyalty and dedication.
A number of these treaties in the collection of epistolary notes of the 10th and 11th centuries have remained and passed into our hands. Since in some instances the aforementioned treaties were written by the courts of justice of high ranking rulers and were sent to their protégé, these treaties have been specially significant in explaining the relations between potentates and their protégés, for they elucidate, from a different perspective, the anticipations and expectations of the central government from its governors and minions.


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