Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Institute for Humanities and Social Studies


There is powerful foundation for utilizing psychology in historical analysis, because history is concerned with study of human behavior, experience and action in the past and psychology is concerned with study of human behavior and action in present situations. For this use, we can design two together periods. In the first, Freudian beliefs (psychoanalysis) were used to analyze of personality traits of historical leaders, but, methodological problems of psychoanalysis, lead to psycho genes perspective or psychohistory (often known with deMause). Based on this, changes in parenting and attitudes toward Childs are the causes of historical events. deMause divided history of parenting to 6 historical period and concluded parenting is the most causes of social and historical changes. To this claim, there are theoretical psychological evidences (Vygotsky theory), but still there isn’t empirical support for it. In this paper we critically review both periods and we will recommend some comment for utilizing of psychology in history analysis.


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