Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associated Professor , Department of History, Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History,University of Sistan and Baluchestan.


Islam, as a universal religion, had a particular interest in history, and this was important in the flourishing of Islamic historiography. The historical conditions governing the Islamic realm also had a geographical, ethnographic, and ethnical mix of population that was booming in terms of providing cultural backgrounds and could be called "Islamic Peace". However, this Islamic view of religious teachings was less widely accepted by Muslim scholars, and for long time the context for the emergence of what is known as global historiography was not smooth, and until the post-Mongolian invasion and the writing of the Jame’ al-Tawarikh, history of histories, the work of historians in The limit and size of this global concept did not emerge. Emphasizing the importance of public historiography, the present paper emphasizes that, despite the favorable conditions found in the teachings of Islam, due to the unfavorable historical conditions and the pragmatic understanding of Islamic historianism, the lesser significance was provided for the emergence of universal historiography in its precise sense.


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