Document Type : Scientific-Research



One of the social groups of the Qajar era, which played a significant role in the writing of historical works, are Qajar princes. One of these princes who, despite being blind, wrote a historical work is Jahangir Mirza the son of Abbas Mirza Nayeb al-Saltaneh. He called his book "Tarikh-e Now". Tarikh-e Now is the first historical work written in the era of Nasir al-Dinshah. In this research, we have tried to find an understanding of the insight, method, audience and attitudes governing this work through the descriptive-analytical method and the internal and external critique of this work. The damages of contemporary historiography, the influence of the author's social situation, the dominance of the discourse of the Iran-Russia wars, the dominance of the political unit, the simple writing style, descriptive dominance over the analytical aspect, are the features, weaknesses and advantages of this historical work.


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