Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD in Ancient History, Civilizations and Languages, Assistant professor at the University of Isfahan

2 MA in Ancient History of Iran, University of Tehran


Many intellectual schools in the world, either philosophical or religious, have presented special interpretation and approach in the concept of history and time. Therefore, various and multi-perspective philosophy of history and historical theology have been formed in this field. Ancient Iranians, believed a special philosophy of history which reflects their ideology and religious impression. This philosophy of history is not result of a specified time or is not influenced by a special event, but is result of a gradual evolution during 1000 year that bears specific characteristics. Zoroastrianism is the most important factor in formation and orientation of history in ancient Iran that brought up cyclic and linear attitudes at its core and has given a special direction to that. This viewpoint was influenced by the thoughts of other nations and also has had deep impact on the other religious-philosophical beliefs. Therefore, the philosophical perspective of this religion is surveyed across history and time, because generality and span of this religion in ancient Iran time is more than the other religions. Therefore, the requisiteness of attention to this approach can contain a more detailed cognizance in forming civic and social life in ancient Iran. In this research, it has been tried to present a documentary and scientific image from this aspect Iranians' idea, by studying intellectual and religious sources which are mentioned in Middle Persian texts and sometimes in non-Iranian texts.


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