Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Police University

2 Lecturer at the History Department of Qazvin International University

3 Lecturer Department of Islam Studies PNU


Although the study of the work of Massoudi's historiography is not limited to the book of Altanbihwalashraf, it would be said that the main branch of his historiography is encompassed.
 Masoudi, a prominent historian of the third and fourth centuries, is one of the analytical founders of historiography who, by composing his works, applied a particular attitude to analytical history-based reasoning. Altanbihwalashraf, Massoudi is one of the books of the middle of the 4th century AH which, at the same time, provides the reader with a wide range of historical, geographical and philosophical information. The main subject of this article is the identification of sources of information on Masoudi's historiography in Altanbihwalashraf. The use of texts such as Greek, Arabic, Christian, Jewish, and Indian sources, which represents an attempt to enrich the contents of the material, as well as the use of its geography and the use of an important and effective method of observing it and integrating it with rational mind and its mainstreaming, including the main sources of resources and the methods used by Masoudi to acquire historical news and historicalknowledge for writing history that has made him one of the legacies of the historicist tradition of analysis.


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