Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associate Professor of History, University of Arak

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Arak

3 Ph.D. student, Shiraz University


If we accept that any interpretation of the Islamic heritage of thought is based on a framework of ideas and concepts, which is the title of historical reason, then the continuation of the structure of this historical reason leads to the ineffectiveness of Muslim historical narratives in response to the problems of contemporary society.
Accordingly, how the epistemic breakdown of the ideas of the historical intellect was considered difficult in Islam, the article sought to answer it. It considers the article of narration and foundationalism as a theoretical framework that allows for such a break from the notions of historical reason in Islam; the theoretical sketches that can be called "paradigmatic ideas in the critique of historical reason in Islam".
Based on this paradigmatic conception of the foundations, while recognizing the metaphysical notions and the dichotomies that encircle the historical wisdom of Muslim historians, it provides historians with an alternative perspective on reading Islamic heritage. It also provides recognition of the structures of the historical intellect in Islam in the context of redefining the logic of historical thinking in Islam and modern narrative schemes. Relying on these new designs, Muslim historians can find a new reading of the Islamic tradition and thus find an answer to the daunting issues.


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