Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Payame Noor University

2 Ph.D. Student of Islamic Iran University of Tabriz.


     The lack of resources in the field of Iranian social history has limited the knowledge of historians in this field of Iranian history. In such a situation, the documents, according to the position held in the historical sources, can be a good basis for historical researches, and give citation and investigating value to historian's findings. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and introduce these resources, such as detailed and brief books from the Ottoman archives regarding Iran's history. The main objective of this research is to investigate the content of the detailed and brief books of the state "Ravan" at two time periods (1590 and 1727) and to explain the significance, position and unique value of these historical works for research on social, economic, political and cultural issues in Iran. This paper has been done with an analytical-descriptive approach and the results of the research show that these books are the appropriate sources for understanding the types of taxes, demographics, agricultural products, ethnic- racial and religious composition, employment status and types of economic activities, tax revenues and developments in any of these cases.


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