Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 p.h.d student Esfahan University, Faculty of History

2 Scientific,history faculty

3 Member of scientific board of history faculty, Isfahan niversity


Following commence of the Age of Enlightenment and socio-political modifications in Europe, historiography underwent fundamental changes. One of the most highlighted approaches in modern historiography was considering people and their role in historical transitions. That was why historiography for the public audience, as well as the people's history, became more highlighted in modern history. Such approach in historiography appeared in methods and approaches of some Iranian historians during last century. Bastani Parizi, as a professional historian and scholar, could be named as one of those historians. A glance on the topics and content of his works and the public attraction into his books easily shed light on the achievement of his approach. Following such viewpoint, the present study, using an analytical approach, seeks to investigate the stance of the public audience in historiography method of Bastani Parizi. The basic question in this research is how and why Bastani Parizi noticed the public audience in his historiography. In this paper, following an introduction of historiography for the public audience in Iran, life and works of Bastani Parizi and his approach in historiography for the public audience and also impacting factor on his historiography as well as reflections and the impacting scope of his historiography and affecting factors on his approach stability are investigated. The results showed that Bastani Parizi gave special rights to history-reading and history-awareness of the public audience and that was why he always considered the public audiences when choosing his texts topics and the way of explaining them.


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