Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Ph.D. Student of Art Research, Art University of Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Art University, Tehran, Iran


Analytic History is a type of history knowledge. One of the most important theorists of history, which focuses on the analytic history approach, is Robin George Collingwood, a well-known British philosopher and historian, and an associate of analytic philosophy. This paper has attempted to criticize the views of important theorists of analytic history in order to provide the necessary ground for entering Collingwood's analytic history theory. This article seeks to investigate and answer the question of how far Collinwood's analytic history theory is working to compile the history of past events, and what are the elements of this theory. The conclusion from this research shows that Collingwood's analytic history theory for compiling history is still contemporary, and has clear and comprehensible components that can be used to compile analytic history and is provided for critique of any other kind of history. In addition, in assessing all of the features and details of this theory, its weaknesses and blindness are insignificant, but has strong strengths, which in the light of "re-enactment", the tendency toward constructive imagination, the avoidance of prejudices, observance of the principle of neutrality and effort and endeavor of analyst historian, will be done and these strengths have inspired some of the theorists and researchers following Collingwood.


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