Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Phd candidate, Department of political science, Razi University

2 Assistant Professor and faculty member of political science, Razi university

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology at Razi University


Edward Saeed, in his important work "Orientalism", shows that the East described by the West is a space that is rarely related to the reality of East. The purpose of building the East is to make a distinction between the East and the West, and it is more for the West than the East. But he points out at the end of his book that East also finally accepts the supremacy of the West. In this research we analyze the works of the internal authors of the Qajar period regarding the Kermanshah region to show how they represent the area and measure their influence of the orientalist approach. By analyzing these works, we conclude that the domestic authors have used Orientalist methods. In a way that they place themselve at the center and sway the people of the region and they did not allow the subaltern to narrate themselves. The paper will show that Orientalist indices such as othering, ethtnocentring and etc. in domestic studies has been used, and colonization and tyranny have been the same in introducing people. The narratives presented are one-sided and do not place people in determining their own destiny.


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