Document Type : Scientific-Research


PHD Graduate in History of Iran in Islamic Period, Tabriz University


The important role and position of nationalism in the unity of people in society caused the ancient nationalism to turn into one of the most prominent parts of its official ideology and policy in Pahlavi I government. Since proving the ethnic unity could play a significant role in the unification and strengthening the various ethnic groups, the historians in the Reza Shah era made some attempts to prove that the Iranian ethnic groups including Kurds were originally Iranian and Arian. In this article, through descriptive-explanatory method, an attempt has been made to find out the answer to the necessity of writing the books about the history of Kurds and Kurdistan in Reza Shah’s era and also to find out the factors that were emphasized by the authors of those books for proving that Kurds were originally Iranian. The findings of this research show that in order to boost the sentiment of love for Iran among Kurds, and to deal with the attempts that were made to show that Kurds were not Iranian, the historians of Reza Shah’s period with emphasis on factors such as the Aryan race of Kurds, the oneness of the roots of the Kurdish and Persian language, patriotism, and the common history of Kurds with other ethnic groups helped the strengthening of national unity as one of the major needs of society.


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