Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor,Institute for research and development in humanities (SAMT).


The coup of mordad 28, 1332 is considered as one of the most important events in contemporary history of Iran, which despite the fact that it happened nearly six decades ago, there is still a lot of controversy around it. This led to many different narratives of coup which have been made from the very beginning of its occurrence till now. Ardeshir Zahedi᾿s narrative entitled "Five Days of Crisis" is one of the narratives written four years after the coup and contains information about the activities of Zahedi and his followers for the coup. This article, by using narrative analysis based on action pattern and Narrative Syntax is trying to show how this narrative by ignoring the role of internal and external causes of coup, has chosen a very narrow view of point and focalization. By this, it emphasizes the very legal, legitimate and democratic   nature of the coup and Fazlullah Zahedi as a democrat and strong leader. However, according to documents and investigations, the coup was carried out in cooperation with numerous internal and external agents, and Fazlullah Zahedi was merely a military commander of the coup and not a popular leader.


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