Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD Student of History of Isfahan University

2 Professor, Department of History, University of Isfahan


From the point of view of history of today, the presumption that historic texts are merely the author's mentality is inescapable because there is a relationship between the existing text and the structures and processes of political and religious affairs. Therefore, any historical text can be traced back to the problem of which the political, social, and religious concerns of the writer have led to the prominence of the individuals and the names of which types, what kind of relationships, what kind of judgments and with interest in which of the words and the types of configurations have been organized? In this study, based on these theoretical bases, we analyze the method of restoring Baghavi in the translation of the Rashidun Caliphs in Mo’jam al-Sahāba, because the representation of the narrations of Mo’jam al-Sahābashows that Although its narrations are a reflection of the same narrations of the first to the third centuries of the Hijra, but the selection and arrangement of the use of the words, is designed to excuse or highlight some of the Companions of the Prophet of God to resolve the religious political process of the time or to move towards the approval of these processes and ideologies.


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