Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor in History ,Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution

2 PhD candidate in the history of Islamic Revolution, Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution


The Persian journals published in different arenas of science, in printed and electronic versions, follow some special rules and regulations. While the rules for writing and publishing the articles in the Iranian scientific journals are similar in structure, regulations are also different from journal to journal. Then this has caused the absence of standardization in journals. Although the rules regulated by the commission of supervising the journals of the ministry of science, research and technology has organized the publish of the scientific journals, these rules are minimal and experimental, and yet far from the international standards of the scientific journals. The international publishing standard is already regulated and produced by the international institute of ISO, and journals are to be published applying the international standards. The need for applying the world standards in Persian journals has caused the fields such as medicine and librarianship take this into their consideration but in the field of History this is yet lacked, and scientifically dubious.
However, the main concern in the present study is to examine the extent to which the international publishing standards of ISO are applied in the research and scientific journals of history. And we also want to examine if the insisted elements of the ISO publishing institute such as title page, list of the content, the repeated titles, footnotes, abstracts, the first page of the articles in a journal, the applied reference method are obeying the ISO standards. Since the present study is a practical one, and in the area of science survey, the approach we have applied in it is descriptive. In this study, taking the international publishing standards into consideration, we have recognized 26 research and science journals in the field of history, and set a chart for the criteria applied in the examination. The findings show that the research and scientific journals of history match the international publishing standards of ISO in 55 cases (69.47%).
Also the findings show that the journals apply the regulations and rules ratified by the ministry of science, research and technology, more than the international ISO publishing standards. Consequently, we recommend that: the international publishing standards should be ratified as the regulations of the ministry of science, research and technology, and enforced by the journals, so that the standardization may occur.


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