Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor of Imam Khomeini International University


Seyyed Hossein Makki is an active political activist who has believed in the hero's theory in the history. The present study examines relationship of Makki's political action with his writing profession. It is based on the hypothesis that the belief in the hero and the change of heroes in relation to Makki has a tangible relation with her political orientation, and Makki's Profession as a politician presents bold this relationship in his history. On the basis of the heroism theory he believed in history, only politicians and especially prominent politicians come to history and the masses of the people and the lower classes, which formed the basis of the formation of the events of this era, such as Oil National Movement, are absent. Consequently, Makki's writing, on the one hand, affected by the theory causes a marginalization process and the removal of the masses of the people and the lower classes of society in the developments of contemporary Iranian history, and as a result, his historiography is highly politically oriented and individualist, and the whole community and the role of social groups have been neglected. Makki benefits from the process of highlighting against marginalization and elimination and he reveals his own unmatched role and some of his other heroes in the evolution of these times; Heroes who, after some time, become anti-hero for political and party interests.


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