Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor of History, University of Ilam


Understanding historical events without knowing the thought behind the events is not possible. The understanding is based on the understanding of the historian's knowledge and insight, and it is impossible to understand the historical event without knowing the historian's point of view. The historian-thinker and the intellectual center of the two historians of AbuBakr Terhani and Fazlullah Ruzbehan-khonji, who lived in the critical period of Iranian history and, on this basis, expressed their historical interpretations, are subject to the same rule. Beliefs of AbuBakr Terhrani and Fazlullah Ruzbehan-Khonji have influenced the processing of history and the interpretation of historical transformations in the light of the provocative? Reflects the provocative approach of both historians in the reflection on the historical changes of their time. The result of the research, which has been carried out with a descriptive-analytic approach, suggests that AbuBakr Tehrani, as well as Khonji, on the broader scale, has considered the fatalism in the realization of history as an important issue, and in his historicist conception of the conditions prevailing in the ninth century, Is. Hence, determinism, the absolute will of God in the fate of man, the inability and abundance of man in being and creation, closeness and linear interpretation of history are the most important components of historiography in the history of dialecticism and the realities of the universe, all of which are subordinate to fanatic insights The two historians are discoverable and understandable.


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