Document Type : Scientific-Research


Associate Professor, Research Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


For a long time, the "critical situation" has been spoken in various humanities disciplines. Similar issues have arisen in the History of discipline, and the need for change and reform has been spoken. So, the problem is: Do we now face the crisis in the discipline of History? If we encounter the crisis, it rises in which areas? In response to this question, we tried to explain the critical situation first with a reflection on the crisis concept and its definition, and then examine the state of the crisis in science, particularly the science of History. This article looks at the crisis as a severe and extreme condition that has crippled current science. Analyze the critical situation in History as a discipline; the paper looked at this knowledge as a system or a collection of systems with different components and elements. Naturally, some of this system's components are essential and structural, and others are subordinate and non-structural. The paper finally concludes that although disruption and dysfunction have appeared in all system components, a critical situation has occurred only in some aspects of this situation. Therefore, this field is located in a "crisis path" and has not yet undergone a comprehensive crisis.


List of sources with English handwriting
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References in English and French
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-         Sessions
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