Document Type : Scientific-Research


Associate Professor, Guilan Study Institute, University Of Guilan, Rasht-Iran


According to methods and standpoints, most accounts written by Jangali worriers or eyewitnesses to this movement are categorized as those supporting or rejecting the movement. Yeghikian, however, gives a narrative, both accurate and informed, of the movement from a bird’s eye view. He emphasizes the Soviet Union of Guilan and chronicles the movement. He employing a scientific method that is both rigorous and disinterested. However, there are overt signs of tilting towards the British and criticizing the Ottomans and Axis powers in his book. The research question is: What is Yeghikian’s approach to the historical development of the movement from the perspective of historiographical method and standpoint? The findings indicate that the account he provides is more documented than those presented by other historians. This stems from his association with a diverse range of warriors involved in the movement and having access to confidential documents. The desk method is employed in the study. The analytical-critical approach in historiography is applied to The Soviet Union and Jangal (Jungle) Movement and other works by Yeghikian revolving around this topic.


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