Document Type : Scientific-Research


MA in History of Islamic Iran, Tehran University, Document Experts in The National Archive & Library of I.R.I (Islamic Republic of Iran)


There have been encrypted connections among human societies for sending confidential messages a long time ago. In the history of Iran also many encryption lines have been used by crypto-writers. With the telegraph introduction, the old encryption lines were out of use. by the invention of new lines, they got used in confidential conversations and reports. This research's central question is to find how the former lines got removed, and Iranian crypto-writers invented the new ones.
This research aims to view Iranian crypto-writers' attempts to find a solution for encryption connections through a security canal in Qajar periods. In this research, we have used library resources, especially lithography books and documents. The use of developmental encryption in encrypted connections, especially in telegraph, resulted from the extending political and economic relationship with the western world and being familiar with the modern west cryptography and finding the simple usage rather than the traditional one in the Qajar period. Hence, some Iranian crypto-writers made new encrypted lines with the necessary assurance for sending the internal and external encrypted messages.


List of sources with English handwriting
-         (SAKMA), 310/31098; 240/39717; 240/75647; 295/7425; 293/7320; 29/54923
-         (SAKMA), Fars Station, 98/293/1123.
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