Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD Candidate in History, Faculty of Literature, University of Tehran

2 Professor, Academy of Persian Language and Literature


Mahmood Hosseini Monshi Jami,the historigrapher of The Durrani dynasty appearance,by writing the excellent work of Ahmadshahi History, played an important role in recording any historical events of this landmark era of Afghanistan.The main topic of this study is the intuition and method of Mahmood Hosseini in his work.The findings of the study show that he has applied a systematic approach with a historical method of a simple and easy style while basing his intellectual ideaology on monarchism,ordinary law and providence.
While having some lacks,Hosseini's work is a detailed and valuable history with some unique data,which the current historigraphers have to refer to them out of necessity.Direct observations,carefullness,expansion and comprehensiveness of the work have converted it,from an individual-revolving monograph, to a regional history covering a vast area from Iran east to India west and also from the Amo sea to the Arab sea.


List of sources with English handwriting
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