Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Professor of Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 PhD Candidate in Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University


Mirza Saleh's Itinerary includes a detailed narrative of Western history. In this article, we have discovered the historiographic content of this itinerary and answered this question: What are the motivation, method, and attitudes of Mirza Saleh's historiography. By Thematic analysis, we found out that the high volume of historiography in this itinerary represents history's importance, both as knowledge and attitude. By frequent and detailed references to the West's history, Mirza Saleh has tried to explain the progressive foundations of western societies. In the historical attitude of Mirza Saleh, the evolution of human societies is gradual and a product of the accumulation of their experiences in the particular output of the characteristics and actions of the ruling elite. Behind the historical issues of Mirza Saleh's itinerary lies historical-comparative sociology, which is based on the distinction between the three patterns of society: "civilized society," "savagery" (non-civilized society), and "civilizing society". Britain is a sample of the first pattern, while the Ottoman Empire shows the second pattern. Russia is an example of the third model. The difference in the patterns results from the opportunity and speed of societal progress in freedom, trade, and industry. On the other hand, it is related to the ruling elites' character and determination to advance reform on the path of progress. Iran is close to the Ottoman model, and there is no other way to save it than to choose the path of progress.


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