Document Type : Scientific-Research


PhD in Islamic Iran, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran,


Identifying the position and place of "self and otherness" to characterize the continuation of the process of "Iranian-Islamic" identity in the thought of Nāmī Isfahani, historian of the Zandi era and the ideas influenced by it on his attitude in the reflection of narrations, is the subject of the present study in Gitisha.
Due to the descriptive-analytical nature of the research, in this article, an attempt was made to introduce, study and investigate Giti Gosha through a conceptual and methodical understanding of its reports, to acknowledge the fundamental aspects of the political, religious and social life of this period of Iranian history. Isfahani's view on the subject of "insider and other", its reflection in the content and method of his historiography were closely examined. The research findings indicate that in Gitigsha, Karim Khan's eternal power, devotion to the Safavid dynasty and Iranian identity as defining and identifying elements of "self" have been the focus of Isfahani's letter and other issues are just a reflection of this idea. Also, since the thought, insight, language and concepts of historiography and historiography (epistemology) and the beliefs of " self and otherness ", the Isfahani name has shown itself well in the history of Gitigsha as a mirror, On the other hand, he says that he has considered three types of them in another way: "religious, political, cross-border" and accuses all of them of interfering in the internal affairs of Iran.


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