Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


 The connection of history with the “now” has been emphasized in various theories, especially in recent times. Accordingly, just as the past affects the present, so can the present affect our understanding of the past. In history, especially from the point of view of the subaltern and the oppressed, the situation is not a special and exceptional situation rather than it is a permanent rule throughout history. In his works, especially in his theses on history, Walter Benjamin refers to the continuation of the historical situation of the suffering and while emphasizing the most objective aspects of the suffering of the oppressed in history, thinks on the possibility of liberation from the status quo based on the emergence of the Messianic moment. This aspect of Benjamin's thought has been highlighted in various overt and covert later approaches such as Subaltern history, postcolonial studies, and alternatve history, and has been the source of new reflections on the approach to history. One of the most prominent aspects of Benjamin's view is the critique of the idea of ​​progress in history which in his view is derived from the philosophy of the conquerors of history. However, the situation of the defeated in history is a sign of their continued suffering.


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