Document Type : Scientific-Research


Postdoc Researcher, History Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Although Hazin Lahiji is known as a poet, part of his fame comes from his history books. Between his various books, there is two books in the field of history that reveal his approach in this field. So many researches have been done on Hazin Lahiji's literary character or other aspects of his life, but no research has been done on his historical insights. This article intends to examine the historiography And historical Perspective of Hazin Lahiji in order to find out in which intellectual frameworks Hazin Lahiji has addressed the history and authored his work. The results of this article show that Hazin was in line with the historiography of his time in characteristics such as lessoning from the past, fatalism, ethics and patriotism and wrote his history in these intellectual frameworks. In these features, he used the heritage of Iranian historiography. But in characteristics such as being outside the formal framework, having a specific idea, having a critical approach and writing the history of the people, he was outside the dominant paradigm. His comprehensiveness in various sciences was influential in this matter.


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English Source
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