Document Type : Scientific-Research


Ph.D in History of Islamic Iran, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


According to the definitions of experts, the place of written memoirs is among the primary and important news sources in historiography. The historical study of the formation process and its development in the history of Iran is proof of this claim. This research is an analytical approach and methodological approach about the relationship between memoir and reality and a convincing answer to the question of the validity of memoirs in the form of "autobiography" to what extent is valid for use in historiographical research. One of the results of this research is the verification of narrations of memoir texts based on other documentary sources as well as validation based on the pattern of "frequency of narration" about an event. In addition, based on the immeasurable sides of these memoirs, such as the difficulty of perspective and the unique position of the narrator in the narrative, in the second approach, these memoirs can be considered as works for identifying their narrators as influential people in historical events.


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