Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant professor in The National Library and Archives of Iran , Tehran. Iran


In recent years, in addition to traditional historiography, attention has been drawn to sociological historiography. Today we believe that history was not monopolized and fabricated by elites and politicians, but that a large part of all historical events was carried by ordinary people. But due to various reasons such as illiteracy, poverty, lack of self-confidence, lack of experience and knowledge in historiography and lack of sufficient means to record the situation and even gender perspective, etc., they did not think of participating in writing history. On the other hand, historians, intellectuals and writers have been less concerned with the history of their daily life and way of life. They are subalterns and forgotten in the history books.
To research and write history at this level; materials and documents are needed more than the traditional historiographic sources. The purpose of this article is to examine the social historiography of the lower classes in the contemporary world and how to compensate for the poverty of written sources of social history using historiographic tools. An example of this is the case in this article through the exploration of archival sources; The subject of women's activism in the years of oil nationalization.
The method used in this article is a descriptive research method conducted through library and archival sources.


Main Subjects

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