Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student of Islamic History, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History and Civilization, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran.


The present study attempts to answer the question "What themes do the Hadith Companions present to the audience in recording the Kharijite narretives?" by understanding the value of the historical heritage of the Hadith Companions and its influence on the consciousness of the audience of these works on the subject of the Kharijites of the Umayyad era and with the aim of discovering the thematic network in these texts and to achieve a pattern that explains their general logic. First of all, the historical heritage of Hadith scholars in this field was studied, and among the existing works are,  Tarikh Khalifa Bin Khayyat (Ibn Khayyat 240 AH), the remains of AL-Ma’refa Va Tarikh (Faswi 277 AH),Tarikh al- Umam Va al-Molouk (Tabari 310 AH), al-Montazam fi Tarikh al- Umam Va al-Molouk, (Ibn Jawzi 597 AH) were selected and the data related to the Kharijite narratives were extracted from them. Then the data analysis method was carried out with its various steps to analyze the data and discover the themes hidden in the selected sources, which led to the discovery of four themes; the political-religious and pragmatic current, the Kharijites constant threats to the government, the Kharijites' oppression at great cost, and the Islamic character of the Kharijite repression. And these themes are against the suppression of the Kharijites, according to the approach of the hadiths to the caliphate, to legitimize the behavior of the Umayyads.


Main Subjects

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