Document Type : Scientific-Research


Ph.D. Student of Islamic history , Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Department of History , University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Sanctity is an important and influential factor in creating a multifaceted character in Muslim historiography. One of the main aspects of sanctity is the connection between myth-history and Ilm al-Kalām-history. History as a realistic science seeks to understand important historical events in the human past. The realism of history cannot be read in the dimensions of myth which is characterized by poetic and mystical imaginations. Therefore, great historians use various methods and procedures to address transhistorical issues. In the historiography of Medina and Iraq in the first and second centuries of the Hijri, a similar attempt was made to achieve a different understanding of the myth and history of religion. The question here is: What methods and procedures did the historiography of Medina and Iraq use to convey the sacred matters in history. Using the method of historical description and analysis, it is claimed that the historians of Medina and Iraq resorted to the methods of document chain recording, historical sequence, observation and experience, scientific method, and reference to written documents to transmit the sacred matter. The result of the study is that by using the above methods, the historians of Medina and Iraq were able to compose texts based on the authenticity of historical objectivity and stay away from sacred matters.


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